1H 2017 Consolidated Financial Report of the company has submitted to the Financial Supervision Commission.
Financial Report
Explanatory Notes
Through the interim report:
The consolidated profit of the Group for the first half of 2017 reached BGN 12.136 million compared to BGN 10.823 million for the first half of 2016 which represents a growth of 12.13%.
The first half of 2017 showed higher than projected results. They are comparable to published expectations. 1H 2017 consolidated sales are 9.80% higher than 1H 2016 and 7% above the business plan.
2Q 2017 net sales reached BGN 55.1 million. This, as well as the 1H 2017, are historic records for Stara Planina Hold Group.
We expect the Y2017 sales to exceed BGN 214 million, which will achieve a growth of 14.2% compared to Y2016.
Consolidated Sales (BGN'm)