
Stara Planina Hold Plc announces current sales (on consolidated basis) and the results of the most significant enterprises in the Holding’s portfolio for November 2023 and forecast sales for December 2023. Letter.


The Board of Directors of Stara Planina Hold Plc announces an address to the shareholders and investors of the holding and the companies in the Group informing on its anticipations for 2024. For 2023 we anticipate sales of the companies in the Group to reached BGN 374 million which is at the level of the previous year and a growth by approximately 34 % compared to sales in 2021. The 2023 net profit of Stara Planina Hold Plc will exceed BGN 9.2 million which gives us confidence that for the 27th consecutive year part of the profit will be distributed in the form of dividends to the shareholders of the holding.


Stara Planina Hold Plc awarder for "Best communications for strategic development, management and risk" at the annual IR Awards 2023.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announced a Consolidated Public Notice on the Financial Standing for the third quarter of 2023.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announces current sales (on consolidated basis) and the results of the most significant enterprises in the Holding’s portfolio for October 2023 and forecast sales for November 2023. Letter.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announced a Financial Report for the third quarter of 2023.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announces current sales (on consolidated basis) and the results of the most significant enterprises in the Holding’s portfolio for September 2023 and forecast sales for October 2023. Letter.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announces current sales (on consolidated basis) and the results of the most significant enterprises in the Holding’s portfolio for August 2023 and forecast sales for September 2023. Letter.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announced a Consolidated Financial Report for the first half of 2023.


Stara Planina Hold Plc announces current sales (on consolidated basis) and the results of the most significant enterprises in the Holding’s portfolio for July 2023 and forecast sales for August 2023. Letter.