STARA PLANINA HOLD was established on 27th September, 1996 under the name Central Privatization Fund and took an active part in the mass privatization. During the period 1997-2000, we structured our investment portfolio including companies from the machine building, electrical engineering, pharmaceutical and cosmetics and textile industries.
Since the inception of the holding in 1996, the sales of the subsidiaries have increased significantly. Although the crises of 2009 and 2012 did not pass us by, the company has been growing steadily, with a conservative investment strategy, focused on improving the organization and increasing the productivity of the subsidiaries.
Annual Sales of all Subsidiaries (BGN’m)
As a result, the holding company succeeded to develop itself steadily and to achieve a steady growth of its dividends for the last ten years. The shares of the holding company are among the secure and profitable investments on the stock market. The stocks of Stara Planina Hold (BSE code: SPH, ISIN - BG1100005971) are trade on Official Market of Equities, Segment "Standard" on Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia.