About the company
Elhim Iskra is a manufacturer of starter batteries, traction batteries, stationary batteries and accumulators.
The company is certified according yo the qulity management standard ISO 9001:2000 and OHSAS 18001:1999.
Elhim Iskra is a public company (BSE code: ELHM), which shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, Sofia. The company entered the broad stock exchange index BG40.
The company regularly participates on the Plovdiv trade fare, where it was awarded a gold medal for the development of a new product.
The main shareholders of the company are:
- Stara Planina Hold 51.40%
- CPM-Plastic Machinery LTD 16.55%
- Free float 26.36%
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- Maintenance free starter battery – Са, from 12V/44 Аh to 12V/100 Аh
- Max energy – МЕ, from 12V/44 Аh to 12V/85 Аh
- Standard starter batteries – St, from 12V/44 Аh to 12V/210 Аh
- Pasted traction batteries – 6V to 80V and capacity from 150 Ah to 560 Ah
- Panzer traction batteries – from 12V to 80V and capacity from 165 Ah to 960 Ah
- for telecommunications – from 12V to 220V and capacity up to 3000Ah