
The Board of Directors of Stara Planina Hold Plc announces an address to the shareholders and investors of the holding and the companies in the Group informing on its anticipations for 2025. With the estimated revenues for the second half of 2024, we expect to report a decrease by approximately 27 % compared to the same period of the previous year and by approximately 37 % compared to the second half of 2022. On an annual basis, we expect the consolidated sales revenues of Stara Planina Hold Plc to reached BGN 263.4 million which would report a decrease by about 30% compared to the previous two years.

Investments of our companies reached BGN 27.1 million, intended mainly for ongoing technological renewal, introduction of highly profitable products and production, acquisition of assets, innovations for green and digital transition, increasing labor productivity and sustainable development. despite the continuing great uncertainty at the national and global level, we plan to increase investments by about 24% to 33.6 million leva, which will again be directed towards modernization and technological renewal, green and digital transition and sustainable development.

Labor productivity this year reported a decrease by 17.6 % with an average annual decrease in labor remunerations by 5 %. In 2025, we foresee a decrease in the number of employees by approximately 7 %, while we expect an increase in labor productivity by about 12.6 % with an increase in the average monthly salary by over 7%.

The forecasts of our partners in the country, Europe and the world remain pessimistic with reserved expectations for recovery in demand which does not give us reasons to expect results with higher values for the next financial year. Currently the Board of Directors of Stara Planina Hold Plc expects that sales revenues in the group in 2025 will be close to the levels reported in 2024. Factors that will continue influencing the operations of companies in the coming year are the market prices of raw materials and materials for production, the transport of supplies and production, the regional market price of labor, the prices of energy resources and the security of their supplies.

In 2025 again we will be led by the purpose of achieving high level of quality, productivity and profitability of our business operations. Sustainable achievement of good financial results with the expected sales volumes will continue being the main task for ensuring the shareholders’ investments and their profitability.

Our success will continue being shared with all those involved in its achievement.




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